Here I Am… Again.


So I’ve tried, repeatedly, for a while now, to maintain a blog or any other consistently updated presence online. I’ve tried themed stuff. I’ve tried writing for a site with deadlines and expectations, thinking that would keep me on track. I even broke down and tried LiveJournal for a while. But you know what?

I suck at blogging.

So… I’m consolidating. Having one blog for writing and another for 3D art stuff flopped miserably. Now I’m shoving ’em together, and giving them a new face. Expect changes and updates at a snail’s pace. What I envision happening here, which may bear no resemblance to what actually happens here, is a collection of posts about writing, 3D artwork, and randomness. Like the fact that there’s a purring cat on my hand right now, making it really hard to type. Get off my hand, Puff! I’ll try to avoid political horseshit, but who knows if I’ll succeed. Hopefully I will. There’s more than enough political horseshit in the world without me adding my own two cents worth.


In case you don’t know who I am:

Hi, I’m Marie Brown. I write smut. Although I’m moving away from the smuttiness lately, and just focusing on the stories. So I’ll be more accurate and say I write queer speculative fiction. Lots and lots of queer speculative fiction. Every now and then a straight character slips in, but I try not to let them.

I also do a lot of 3D artwork. It’s an addiction. I used to pretend to be a “real” artist, using real-world artistic tools like paper, pencils, pastels, and sometimes even paints. But I got bitten by a cat many years ago and the damage from that messed up my hand something fierce, making “real” art extremely painful. Since I kind of sucked at it anyway, I quit doing it.

And then… along came computer art. I used to come down on the “that’s not art, it’s a program” side of the debate. But then I started doing it. And yeah, I use programs. But wow, what amazing worlds those programs can produce! I am completely addicted. I love the fact that I can get the images out of my head and have them look even better than they started. It’s just so much fun!

If I could quit my job and do nothing but write, make art, and play Skyrim, I totally would.

So there I am. A nerdy, geeky writer, with three cats. Now I’m going to get busy fixing this place up so it’s not a generic heap of blandness.